Common queries answered
Frequently asked Questions
We normally process your order the same day ( for orders before 6 pm GMT ) but in rare cases it could take up to 2 days for processing your order. Once your order is processed our warehouse ships the orders based on shipping priorities and their workload. So your order may get shipped after 1-2 days or it could be within the last week of your selected shipping method. For shipping times for different shipping methods please see our shipping & returns policy page.
If for whatever reason you do not want your item within 30 Days of receiving it, you may also contact us for an exchange or a refund.
Kindly note that to avoid misuse of our refund process & to covers processing costs we have to apply few charges to sustain ourselves and therefore we cannot fully refund the shipping costs, etc.. In such cases the return shipping fee is the customer’s responsibility and is non-refundable, neither are the shipping costs the customer paid on their order. Items MUST be returned in their original packaging, unused and unopened in order to qualify for a product refund.
Please NOTE, if you have decided you no longer want the item/s you purchased because you have changed your mind, you will be refunded with a credit voucher to spend in store once your item is returned to us unopened. Alternatively there will be a minimum returns/restocking fee (about £3.99) per item for processing a refund. Although it normally depends on the product but it could be higher in some cases. Â
If you have just placed your order and it has not been shipped yet, then there is a possibility that we can amend your shipping address for you. Send us an email to from the account with which you placed the order with the old and new shipping address and we will amend it for you if possible. If your product has been shipped, which you may not know until we have sent you your order’s shipping details/tracking information, in that case we may not be able to update you amend your order. In that case you could either use your tracking information and reach out to the shipping company to possibly amend the shipping address if they allow it. Or you could yourself arrange to collect or get your order shipped from the original address you provided us on your order.Â
You could track your order on our Tracking page on our website or check the order status within your account page.Â
We provide email and chat support as of now and you could send us an email or chat with us by using the contact us option on our website.Â
If you have just placed your order and it has not been shipped yet, then there is a possibility that we can amend your shipping address for you. Send us an email to from the account with which you placed the order with the old and new shipping address and we will amend it for you if possible. If your product has been shipped, which you may not know until we have sent you your order’s shipping details/tracking information, in that case we may not be able to update you amend your order. In that case you could either use your tracking information and reach out to the shipping company to possibly amend the shipping address if they allow it. Or you could yourself arrange to collect or get your order shipped from the original address you provided us on your order.Â
Yes we do ship worldwide but there are certain countries which are on our embargo list and we cannot ship to those countries for that reason. you will not be able to place an order if you are trying to ship to one of those countries. Also if for some reason you have placed an order and we cannot ship to your selected country then we will offer a full refund.
Our products are shipped from different warehouses across the globe and for that reason it may not be possible to ship all your items within one package. You may receive multiple packages for different items within your order.Â